Te envio copia de una carta que le envie al Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica para Condoleeza Rice sobre sus comentarios al Washington Post. Seria muy bueno que recibiera miles de cartas haciendole saber que esta rotundamente equivocada, si no para hacerle ver nuestra posicion, cuando menos para dejar constancia ¿no crees?.
El comentario se le puede enviar al buzon de comentarios de las secretaria de estado en esta direccion:
con el "topic" U.S. foreign policy
Para los "renegados" que viven en USA, los datos de contacto son:
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520
TTY:1-800-877-8339 (Federal Relay Service)
El texto que escribi es el siguiente:
Secretary of State Ms. Condoleezza Rice comented to the Washington Post that the post election crisis in Mexico was over, and that we were going to a two-party democracy. Nothing could be further from the truth! There WAS a froud in Mexico's elections, and we are NOT accepting it, the crisis has just begun! Felipe Calderon will not take office, because there are MILLIONS of mexicans who will see that he doesn't. the benefits you mention from NAFTA NEVER came to mexican people, and if the wright-winged National Action Party insists in keeping the power, even the North American Trade Agreement is at risck. I repeat: we are MILLIONS of mexicans who WILL NOT accept the imposition of a non-elected president such as Felipe Calderon....EVER!!!
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#Dontriananews gracias por escribirnos