Title (optional)The Titanic Fight Against the Presidential Imposition in Mexico Maybe Turning the Tide « larayueladejavier:
By Javier Rodriguez from Mexico City 21 July 2012
The tenacity of the people’s social movement in defense of Mexico’s young democracy and dignity has x has begun to unravel the gigantic fraud in the post electoral conflict and possibly, it may be turning the tide against the return of the PRI. The links to the massive and illegal finances of the Enrique Pena Nieto campaign has surfaced with names of high level PRI operators along with fraudulent and phantom third party financial corporations involved in laundering campaign money for Enrique Pena Nieto’s July 1 presidential bid. And although the funding sources for the hundreds and perhaps thousands of millions of pesos laundered are not yet known, it is strongly speculated the Monexgate and the Sorianagate scandals, involving the massive purchase of bank debit cards to illegally influence votes favorable to the PRI and its candidate and to also pay for the huge electoral PRI operating machine, is drug money.
Unequivocally, the pressure has begun to boil on the PRI to the point that nervously, on Thursday July 19, the leadership had to admit the party’s financial relationship with Monex, however without revealing the sources of the money. In order to begin to understand the national debate in Mexico today, it is fundamental that opinion makers, the media and all social activists ask “where did the Pena Nieto campaign funds that exceeded the constitutionally set spending limits by thousands of millions of pesos come from?
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